Environmental Impact
The fashion industry is responsible for 10% of annual global carbon emissions, more than all international flights and maritime shipping combined. More than 80 billion pieces of clothing are produced worldwide each year. Of these pieces, 75% will end up in landfills, meaning the fashion industry is absorbing our planet’s resources at an unsustainable rate.
Greenpeace has noted that consumers buy 60% more clothing today while keeping for half as long as they did 15 years ago. More than 75% of the carbon footprint in the lifecycle of a piece of clothing happens at clothing mills, where fibres are spun and woven. The vast majority of clothing produced ends up incinerated or in landfills, which takes up to 200 years to decompose, creating even more pollution by emitting hazardous chemicals and greenhouse gases.
When you shop at VSP Consignment, you advocate for change by offsetting the fashion industry’s carbon footprint while contributing to a circular economy.

Community Commitment
New Circles Community Services is a Toronto-based not-for-profit, a grass-roots agency that builds strong and caring communities by providing necessities to clients across the region. New Circles operates the largest clothing bank in Toronto. Under the name of GLOW (Gently Loved Outfits to Wear), it aims to offer a retail shopping experience that preserves dignity for clients. By consigning with VSP and donating items at the end of the season with our not-for-profit partner agency, consignors contribute as active members of the Toronto community.
WINS (Women in Need Society) was founded in Calgary in 1992 to provide basic needs to women in poverty and their families. WINS has been a primary partner of Vespucci for many years; however, Vespucci also works with various not-for-profit organizations as opportunities arise. If you are interested in becoming a partner, don’t hesitate to contact info@vespucciconsignment.com.